Friday, February 24, 2012

I Know How to Spend Your Money

A recent editorial submitted by the Editorial Board in the Austin American Statesman “What to do with Perry's fundraising leftovers? Governor has options” argues just as the title suggests. The ideological point of view in the Austin American Statesman generally leans more liberal that the rest of the state of Texas' papers. This editorial is no different, it has a very liberal feel throughout. The argument was addressed because in general everyone likes to put their “two-cents” in about what others should do with their money. Questions will always rise when a money based decision is in order. I believe the Editorial Board had more than one audience in mind when posting this piece. I am sure they hoped to catch the attention of Rick Perry himself or political influences that surround him. Perhaps, just providing general public awareness on the issue at hand. Throughout the article they tend to balance both sides and make suggestions rather than harsh and direct statements to persuade the audience. Which prevents the reader from raising their guard to protect themselves from attack on personal opinion and encourages the reader to continue reading. The general assumption made is that Rick Perry will likely use the left over money to form a political action committee. The unclear argument wavers in support for a political action committee but then points out other uses for the money such as charity, help for non-profits and other state expenses. Due to the wavering stress in the argument it leaves me a little confused on what they are truly trying to support. I really do not believe I am the intended audience. But, if I was Rick Perry I would be confused because some points that were made supported the decision in forming a political action committee and doing what is best for me (Rick Perry) because it is money raised though my hard work in fund raising. Then they throw in suggestions and concerns but with out much influential backbone. Government consists of people and people are going to act like people. At the end of the day wether the money goes to Rick Perry or the Boy Scouts there will always be someone who is not satisfied with how the money is spent.

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