Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Commentary on Education

"Education" posted by Bunnyn on the blog Politics, Texas Style! captured my attention.  She is a full-time mom and student who has a liberal point of view and has little political education.  Despite her political knowledge she presents very impressive points on this issue; likely due to the fact that she is a mother and this issue immediately effects her.  She argues that education is being put on the back burner behind less pressing issues.  I believe her argument is directed toward political officials and voters who may have the ability to make a change.  The first statement is what captured my attention "I realize that there are bigger fish to fry then worrying about the education of Texas' children.  With illegal aliens crossing our borders, same-sex marriages and the evils of Planned Parenthood who has time to worry about the $4 billion dollars being cut from education this year."  This statement shows that the government is worrying about issues that are far less pressing to the point that it is almost embarrassing.  Although, some may counter attack on sight of this statement and dismiss the sarcasm as there being some truth that these issues are more important than education. 
Her argument is education is being sacrificed. Assuming that the government has the ability to make a change, they have the funds but they choose to use them elsewhere.  Government should value education in order to maintain a democracy in this country.  She presented a very interesting point, the wealthy districts receive $800.00 more per student then lower-income districts.  This is a trend that seems to go further than just education, the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.  Which makes me wonder: what happened to equality and the American dream? 
She uses and quotes creditable sources which makes her argument credible.  I believe the her emotional attachment to this issue is what truly drives her position and makes the reader see the reality of how pressing this issue is.  I have always supported this argument so my mind has not been changed, I have only become more supportive after reading this.
Elections are coming up and I feel this is an interesting subject that needs attention.  This is an excellent time to get this issue out to the people while they are susceptible to political policy and funding talk. This is an issue that the government often sweeps under the run but it needs to be put on a shelf in plain view otherwise the future will suffer.  To add to her argument, how many politicians' children attend the schools that receive $800.00 less in funding?  I assume slim-to-none, causing this argument to have little importance to them.  Making the funding equal for every student is common sense, every student deserves an equal education regardless of the income they were born into.  It is called public education for a reason. If rich parent want to argue that their child is entitled to a better education they can send them to a private school and fund their education themselves.  No parent wants a bad education for their child.

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