Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Immigration. Do Something.

Immigration laws in Arizona are currently being examined by the Supreme Court.  Which brings to light  issues of the immigration laws in Texas.  Arizona's laws are being scrutinized for being too extreme and harsh and that may be the case but at least Arizona has broken ground.  The controversial laws gave the issue national attention.  We are called the United States of America (key word "United") and if each state is held responsible for making their own laws on immigration then the nation should stand behind whatever the state decides is best for them.  Obviously, each state has different degrees of the need for laws on immigration.
The major issue surrounding immigration is labor.  I am torn on this issue, many argue that immigrants have stolen millions of American jobs.  I agree that they have taken over many jobs, but they are mostly jobs that many Americans would likely refuse to do. I personally feel that the world should be free and everyone should be able to live anywhere they wish to live.  My biggest argument supporting laws on immigration is taxes.  As a working American we are all required to pay taxes while immigrants are being paid "under the table" and are not required to pay taxes.
This may be a crazy solution but I think that we should make it easier to obtain a green card.  Allowing more immigrants to feel free to be in this country legally, therefore requiring them to pay taxes just like all the rest of the citizens in America.  The demand for cheep labor is too high for business owners to abide by the strict laws and they will continue to look the other way when they hire illegal immigrants. I think this issue is a lot like the debates on the legalization of marijuana, if you make it legal then it will reduce crime and it can be monitored and taxed.  People continue to sell and partake in marijuana no matter how strict the laws are, much like no matter how strict the immigration laws are immigrants will remain and continue to come and work without paying taxes

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