Thursday, May 10, 2012

Response to "Texas Sued"

The blog titled Texas Sued on my classmate's blog A Texas Thing, captured my attention.  She is a criminal justice major, mainly law enforcement and her main position in her post is arguing the law.  I find this to be very interesting because most of the law enforcement officers that I have encountered are like robots, they don't argue the law whether they personally believe in it or not.  She did make an excellent point when she stated that laws should not be based on personal morals or beliefs.  Like she said, Planned Parenthood is a much needed resource for many woman and as long as abortion is legal then it should not be discriminated against just because they deal with abortion. It's like the state saying that they are going to stop funding a school that has students of a different race than they believe deserve state funding.  It is not the old days, woman have rights.
She lays out the facts clearly.  This new "law" violates their constitutional rights of freedom of speech and association.  The clinic consists of more than abortion services, it provides S.T.D. screening, breast cancer screening, contraception, and general woman health check-ups.
I strongly, agree with the arguments she addressed and I feel that her approach was not based solely on personal opinion or bias.  The government should not have the ability to make a law based on personal beliefs, the rights of woman and Planned Parenthood are clearly protected by the constitution.

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